Monday, October 24, 2011

And There's More Bread!!!

The bread just doesn't seem to end.  I'm using up the bread as best I can and as quickly as I can.  I made wonderful French Toast on Sunday morning.  Bryan was thrilled.  I made a few extras for him to eat while I'm away (oh yea - I'm headed to AZ on Wednesday)!!  Not that I'm thrilled or anything - tee hee!  Sunday afternoon I took the ciabatta loaf and made one HUGE sub and cut it up for us to eat while watching football.  Here are couple pics for you to enjoy!!

Although I will admit that I should have probably made this the very day I got the bread it was still delicious.  It was loaded with black forest ham, capicola, salami, bologna and provolone and american cheeses with lettuce, tomato, onions and pickles.  It made for a wonderful meal while watching the games Sunday afternoon. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Bread and Butter

I recently purchased another deal on Groupon.  If you're not getting in on these deals you really should join (this is not a paid advertisement). I've found some really incredible things on there and this little gem was a wonderful find.  I live in Plymouth, MA which is a pretty big town, area-wise that is.  One of the cool things about living here is that just when you think you know the area you find something new!  A few weeks ago Groupon was offering a deal for 6 loaves of bread from a local bakery a $30 value for $15.  I was hooked because lets face it I love bread!!! You do don't ya?

We have plenty of bakeries in Plymouth but this one was in a location that I would have never guessed.  It's in the industrial park!  The bakery is called Hearth Wood Fire Bakery - here's a link  Apparently they do baking for some local and area restaurants and stores.  If you're in this area you must check it out.

So back to my point here!  I walked in with my little Groupon printout and the gentleman baker showed me the wonderful loaves I could choose from.  I got 3 french, 1 rye raisin (this one's for the hubby), 1 ciabatta and one rosemary.  The loaves are enormous and I can't wait to dig into them.  Here's a pic so you can see for yourself.  There is no skimping in this place!!

Last night we had Roast Beef Sandwiches with Au Jus on the french loaves!! Sounds so fancy but it's really not - the beef cooked all day in the crockpot getting all those flavors married into it and becoming tender and juicy.........focus! focus!

Here's the recipe for this little gem too!  I toasted the bread too.  It helps to keep the bread from getting to soaky!! Yum! O and next time I will definitely add a slice of provolone!

Oooo and the other things I have planned for this bread - I'm thinking French Toast, Onion Soup, maybe some croutons or maybe just a late night snack with some homemade jam!!! If any one needs some bread just give me a call - I have plenty!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Organizer

There are times when I go on a wild and crazy adventure and decide to become completely organized and orderly!!  (don't laugh - it happens) These moments are few but when they happen LOOK OUT! It's like a tornado is about to hit.  Now that you've regained your senses, I will tell you that this is not one of those moments however apparently Julia it was a moment for Julia.  Apparently she is an organizer!!  One of her favorite pastimes is unloading and reloading things.  It can be a purse, a drawer, a toy box or a cabinet.  ON this particular day it was a cabinet.  See pics below!

In order to organize you must remove everything!
Although this make look like a disaster trust me you are wrong.  She very quietly takes everything out and then she puts everything back - not necessarily in the same order - but she is quiet!  And let's face it we all want the children to be quiet especially when we are working.  I was busy making jam which Julia started out being my helper but somewhere along the process she felt the need to "organize" the jelly cabinet.

Flour goes here.

Cake mix goes next to the flour.
Perfect - just the way I like it!

She was finally done just in time to help me wash the dishes!! That's another blog for another day!! Do you have an organizer in your home?  Goodness knows I need to be a better organizer!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Pasta with ?? Sauce

I've been reading a few blogs over the past few days looking for something different to have for dinner.  If you know me I rarely make the same thing twice - much to my husband's chagrin!!  This week at Shaw's they had some blocks pecorino romano cheese on sale and a coupon attached discounted it by an additional $2.  I bought two and figured I would find something to do with them.  Tonight I gave it shot.  This was the result!!  Excuse the photo I just have a little digital camera for now - hopefully I'll graduate to the real thing some day!!

See all the cheese in there!!!

This is the recipe I created:

13 oz whole wheat spaghetti
6 tbsp butter (I know - not necessarily healthy but it tastes delicious)
1/2 red onion, sliced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 sherry or white wine of your choice
1 pint cherry or grape tomatoes, sliced in half
1/2 lb pecorino romano cheese, grated
Olive oil
Salt & pepper

Cook the pasta according to package directions - make sure its a little al dente!! If the pasta is done before the sauce, after you drain the pasta sprinkle a little olive oil on it and toss to keep it from sticking together.  In a large pan melt the butter, add the onion and cook until the onions start to caramelize (turn brown).  Add the garlic, salt and pepper and continue to cook for a minute or 2.  Pour in the sherry/white wine and simmer for another minute or 2.  Add the tomatoes - simmer for a minute.  Remove from the heat and toss in the pasta.  If the pasta seems dry add a bit more olive oil and toss.  Sprinkle in the cheese and toss so the cheese is evenly distributed throughout the dish.  Reserve a little bit of cheese to put on the top of each bowl.  Taste and add salt and pepper if needed.

The taste wasn't bad but I don't know what to call it.  Any suggestions?  I also think the next time I will add some greenery - needs some spinach, broccoli rabe, capers!!! Maybe even some pine nuts for a bit of a crunch.  The possibilities are endless.

Bacon! Bacon! Bacon!

Oops sorry - focus Theresa!!  What are you creating in your kitchen? Let me know.