Friday, September 9, 2011


Ok so here is how my day started.

Wake up (check)!
Get coffee (check)!
Help Julia get dressed (check)!
Shower (check)!
Get dressed (check)!
Clean cat box (check)!  Note - I do not have a cat, don't want a cat, it's my daughter's cat but it lives with me!!
Clean dog vomit (check)! Note - I do not have a dog, don't want a dog, it's my son's dog but it lives with me!!

Now if you know me at all, you know that I DO NOT do well at all with the last two items on the list.  To say that I was gagging would be an understatement.  I truly thought I was going to cough up a lung or two!! This is a wonderful trait that I inherited from my grandmother and father!!!

Once the gagging was controlled I was able to get on with the rest of my day.  Which actually at this point is going quite well.  Work is pretty much caught up.  Next off to the hospital to visit mom.  And then glory be home for the night!!!

How was your day? Did it start out rough and turn out great or the other way around?

Let's hope I'm in for a better day tomorrow!!

P.S. Please understand that I'm not an animal hater.  I love animals.  I just love them in other people's homes!!

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