Friday, September 23, 2011

Getting Ready for the Weekend

As many of you know, this weekend is the Guinea Pig Clan's Sleepover!! I've chosen the menu, done the shopping and even did some prep work.  Now all I have to do is pack everything up and I'm ready for tomorrow.  I brought home a box from work for the dry ingredients.  I put the box on the dining room table and started loading in my ingredients!  Made a trip into the kitchen to gather more things and when I came to the table this is what I found!!!

I don't know if she thinks she's coming along - mistake!!! or what she has in mind.  But I do know this she is very comfortable in there.  Now I have to wait till she decides she wants to get out of the box so I can finish loading it up.  That's okay though I have plenty to do.  Gotta go finish - so excited to see all my girls!!!

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