Thursday, August 18, 2011

A gift from God

Today is my youngest child's birthday. Way back in 1988 (oooo this just makes my body ache)....anyway - focus! Way back in 1988 my husband and I had some discussions about whether or not we should have another baby. He was of the opinion that the boy and girl we had were plenty. I wasn't so convinced. The discussions were tabled until around Christmas time 1988 when I proudly announced to my wonderful husband "honey, God has decided to grace us with another child!" Of course, I was helping with the Lord by sometimes forgetting to take that little pill every day that helps prevent these things from happening.....but I won't tell if you don't!! She turns 22 today (another thing that makes my body ache)!! She is a beautiful woman now and continues to amaze me with the things she can do. She is sweet and kind and she is a fireball and a tornado. I'm so happy that she calls me mom!! Happy Birthday Chelsea!! Oh and don't tell her I put this photo up - I'm sure she won't like it but it's the most recent one I have!!

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