Friday, July 15, 2011


So it's been waaaaaayyyyy to long since I posted here. Sometimes life moves a little too fast and we get bogged down with things or we just lose our way. I think I lost my way!!! I'm trying to figure out what I want to do/accomplish with this blog. On the one hand I started it to show the adventures of The Guinea Pig Clan but then I stopped doing the monthly meetings (a lot of work and money) and on the other hand I just wanted to somehow get into the blogging sphere. So I'm going to start this up again. We'll start with The Guinea Pig Clan! I'm going to plan out a few meals/ideas for the next several months. I'll keep you updated and informed as to when and where. One of the ideas I have is a girls night out down the cape - and it will be a sleep over! I'll be checking with Louise to see if we can stay at her summer place! Hope you are all up for the adventure. I would also welcome some ideas that you have. What kind of projects, meals, adventures, and the like do you girls want? Let me know what you think. See ya all back here soon!!!

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