Thursday, February 11, 2010

Coffee & Chocolate!!

So yesterday there was supposed to be a huge a storm here but true to form with living in New England it just didn't happened as they said it would! What a surprise. Anyway because of the "storm" I left work early and came home to finish some of my Valentine's Day cookies. So I found this recipe on one of the blogs I read regularly, (check her out she has great ideas on saving money). Anyway it is basically a sugar cookie but made with ground coffee and they you cover it with chocolate. I don't know what's better than coffee and chocolate. So I made a batch the other night and as they are cooking it smells like coffee!!! It was wonderful. So during the "storm" I came home and covered them with chocolate!!! Take a look!

I haven't tried one yet - trying to save them for Valentine's Day!!! Anyone who's here on Valentine's Day might get one if I don't eat them all myself!!! Have a great day everyone!!! Leave me a comment and let me know what things you're doing for Valentine's Day!!

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