Sunday, March 25, 2012


Today was a bit of a gloomy day - very little sunshine here in MA!  So I spent the day organizing my coupons.
First I cleaned out my coupon binder.  I had some expired coupons from a month ago in there!!!  Then I got to the task of cutting and filing away the new ones.

It was a rather large job.  Actually to be completely honest there are the coupons from 3 weeks ago.  Yup - that's have far behind I am!!  I have two more weeks to cut but I probably won't get to it today.  There is really only one reason why I won't get to it and her name is Julia.  Wherever gramma gets her coupon binder out Julia is ready to assist.  Now I'm not complaining cuz having help with the coupons is a wonderful thing.  I usually give Julia the expired coupons or the ones that I won't use! She loves having her own coupons.

Although it took me a little longer than usual.  I did finally get my binder organized and now I'm ready for another week of shopping!!  How about you?  What did you decide to do today?